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  • THE HISTORY OF SERBIA - Чедомир Антић
11,85 EUR
13,04 USD
1.399,00 RSD


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Product name: THE HISTORY OF SERBIA - Чедомир Антић
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The complete history of Serbia, from the Neolithic Period to the present.

“The History of Serbia by Dr. Čedomir Antić covers a substantial time span, from Neolithic times to most recent events. The most difficult part of writing this kind of synthesis is to find a balance between the hard core of facts and wide layers of interpretation. The author has demonstrated an ability to face such dilemmas, and, with some new approaches and results, he has also been able to harmonise the findings of previous generations of historians who dealt with the history of Serbia. This concise history of Serbia is particularly important since the author has been able to integrate major findings of Serbian and European historians who have dealt with the history Serbia.” Prof. S. G. Marković, University of Belgrade

“Covering the entire span of the history of the Serbs and Serbia, from its Celtic roots to the modern day, this volume is a welcome new contribution to our understanding of this important country.” James Ker-Lindsay, London School of Economics and Political Science

Број страна: 352
Формат: 20 цм
Писмо: Латиница
Повез: Брош

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