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"St. Archangel Gabriel"

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1,090.00 RSD


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    Product name: "St. Archangel Gabriel"
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    Archangel Gabriel is one of the seven great seraphim angels who participated in the creation of the world. He was a herald who participated and announced all significant events related to the formation of Christianity.
    Archangel Gabriel handed the testimony of the beginning of the creation of God's creation to the prophet Moses, appearing in the wilderness, and instructing him to write the book of Genesis. He is glorified as herald in charge of joyous or mild news, and one who announced to Zechariah the birth of St. John the Baptist. The same Archangel Gabriel appeared to Joachim and Anne, and announced the birth of the Holy Virgin Mary, and then to the Most Holy Virgin Mary with the news that she would bear a son, the savior of the human race, the Lord Jesus Christ. The largest and most joyful news in Christianity by this herald was the news of the Resurrection of Christ.

    T-shirt color: white
    Material: 100% cotton

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