Ukupna cena:

Depeche Mode - Spirits In The Forest [Live 2018] (2x Blu-ray + 2x CD)

  • Depeche Mode - Spirits In The Forest [Live 2018] (2x Blu-ray + 2x CD)
  • Depeche Mode - Spirits In The Forest [Live 2018] (2x Blu-ray + 2x CD)
  • 37.99 EUR
    41.79 USD
    3,799.00 RSD

    Ovaj artikal je trenutno rasprodat


    • Za kupce iz Srbije važeća cena je u RSD
    • Za kupce iz inostranstva važeća cena je EUR / US$
    Trudimo se da stanje magacina bude uvek ažurno. Ukoliko je artikal ipak rasprodat i ne možemo da ga isporučimo - obavestićemo vas u što kraćem roku od trenutka prijema vaše narudžbenice.
    Troškovi isporuke nisu uračunati u cenu proizvoda. Oni se posebno naplaćuju. Troškovi isporuke biće prikazani na samom kraju procesa naručivanja, neposredno pre nego što ostavite podatke za isporuku.
    Product name: Depeche Mode - Spirits In The Forest [Live 2018] (2x Blu-ray + 2x CD)

    Kolekcionarski box-set na ukupno 4 diska, koji uključuje snimak koncerta u Berlinu sa "Global Spirit" turneje 2018, dokumentarac o turneji, kao i dva CD-a sa audio zapisom istog koncerta!

    Blu-ray 1:
    Spirits In The Forest documentary (01:22:37)

    Blu-ray 2:
    Live Spirits Concert (02:06:00)

    Intro 2:27
    Going Backwards 6:24
    It's No Good 5:19
    A Pain That I'm Used To 4:42
    Useless 5:54
    Precious 5:12
    World In My Eyes 5:44
    Cover Me 5:31
    The Things You Said 4:04
    Insight 6:30
    Poison Heart 3:30
    Where's The Revolution 5:06
    Everything Counts 8:28
    Stripped 5:17
    Enjoy The Silence 7:44
    Never Let Me Down Again 6:38
    I Want You Now 4:44
    Heroes 6:49
    Walking In My Shoes 8:58
    Personal Jesus 7:01
    Just Can't Get Enough 8:27
    Credits - Pimpf (Edit) 2:24

    Live Spirits Soundtrack:

    Intro 2:30
    Going Backwards 6:12
    It's No Good 4:56
    A Pain That I'm Used To 4:29
    Useless 5:32
    Precious 4:56
    World In My Eyes 5:31
    Cover Me 5:08
    The Things You Said 3:47
    Insight 5:37
    Poison Heart 3:39

    Where's The Revolution 5:02
    Everything Counts 8:07
    Stripped 5:04
    Enjoy The Silence 7:24
    Never Let Me Down Again 6:21
    I Want You Now 4:32
    Heroes 6:27
    Walking In My Shoes 8:29
    Personal Jesus 6:17
    Just Can't Get Enough 6:51

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