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Donizetti: L`Elisir d`Amore (Blu-ray)

  • Donizetti: L`Elisir d`Amore (Blu-ray)
18.99 EUR
20.89 USD
1,899.00 RSD

Ovaj artikal je trenutno rasprodat


  • Za kupce iz Srbije važeća cena je u RSD
  • Za kupce iz inostranstva važeća cena je EUR / US$
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Troškovi isporuke nisu uračunati u cenu proizvoda. Oni se posebno naplaćuju. Troškovi isporuke biće prikazani na samom kraju procesa naručivanja, neposredno pre nego što ostavite podatke za isporuku.
Product name: Donizetti: L`Elisir d`Amore (Blu-ray)

Theatrical magic between Rolando Villazón and Anna Netrebko in Donizetti s delightful and ever-popular comedy L elisir d amore

Rolando Villazón as Nemorino exhibits a real gift for comic acting, manipulating his rubber face into dozens of hilarious poses, flawlessly turning stock comic gestures into laugh-out-loud moments, and even juggling apples with the panache of a circus performer. More important, he uses his lyric tenor to sing the part with impressive subtlety, suggesting Nemorino's desperation while singing of his love for Adina. His big show-stopper, "Una furtiva lagrima," features melting pianissimos and a breathtaking decrescendo in its final phrase. Netrebko's Adina is every bit as good, with deft acting and a lovely lyric soprano voice that makes you understand why she's the only girl for Nemorino.

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