Ukupna cena:

Barbra Streisand - Partners (CD)

  • Barbra Streisand - Partners (CD)
9.99 EUR 4.99 EUR
10.99 USD 5.49 USD
999.00 RSD 499.00 RSD

Ovaj artikal je trenutno rasprodat


  • Za kupce iz Srbije važeća cena je u RSD
  • Za kupce iz inostranstva važeća cena je EUR / US$
Trudimo se da stanje magacina bude uvek ažurno. Ukoliko je artikal ipak rasprodat i ne možemo da ga isporučimo - obavestićemo vas u što kraćem roku od trenutka prijema vaše narudžbenice.
Troškovi isporuke nisu uračunati u cenu proizvoda. Oni se posebno naplaćuju. Troškovi isporuke biće prikazani na samom kraju procesa naručivanja, neposredno pre nego što ostavite podatke za isporuku.
Product name: Barbra Streisand - Partners (CD)

album 2014:

1. It Had To Be You - Barbra Streisand With Michael Buble
2. People - Barbra Streisand With Stevie Wonder
3. Come Rain Or Come Shine - Barbra Streisand With John Mayer
4. Evergreen - Barbra Streisand With Babyface
5. New York State Of Mind - Barbra Streisand With Billy Joel
6. I'd Want It To Be You - Barbra Streisand With Blake Shelton
7. The Way We Were - Barbra Streisand With Lionel Richie
8. I Still Can See Your Face - Barbra Streisand With Andrea Bocelli
9. How Deep Is The Ocean - Barbra Streisand With Jason Gould
10. What Kind Of Fool - Barbra Streisand With John Legend
11. Somewhere - Barbra Streisand With Josh Groban
12. Love Me Tender - Barbra Streisand With Elvis Presley

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